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50% Discount on CSA On-Line Trainings and SECtember Discounts!

  • 1.  50% Discount on CSA On-Line Trainings and SECtember Discounts!

    Posted Aug 25, 2022 10:25:00 AM
    Congratulations! You've received a CSA advantage that will take you to the next level of cloud security knowledge. For today only* we're offering 50% off ALL online courses and exams in our Knowledge Center and 50% off SECtember Conference and in-person training. Now's the time to boost your skills!  

    Use code csaboosted2x today to get a 50% discount on all online products on the Knowledge Center including the new Micro-Training courses and CCSK courses and exams.

    Use the same code, csaboosted2x, today and get 50% off SECtember, CSA's annual conference, taking place September 26-30 in Bellevue, WA. This discount extends to in-person, instructor-led courses at SECtember:
    CCSK Foundation was $1,195 - NOW $597.50!
    CCSK Plus $2,195 - NOW $1097.50!
    CCAK was $2,195 - NOW $1097.50!

    An opportunity to learn from and network with other visionary thought leaders during the SECtember conference (was $699 - NOW $349.50!), from September 26-30 in Bellevue, WA

    Our goal is to make training accessible to everyone during a critical time in the cybersecurity industry. Whether you want to boost your resume, train your teams, or build your skills to return to the workplace, we're here for you. Take advantage and level up today!

    *This code is only active for 24 hours: 12 AM PT, 25 Aug 2022 until 12 AM PT, 26 Aug 2022, 8 AM BST / 3 PM SGT, 25 Aug 2022 until 8 AM BST / 3 PM SGT, 26 Aug 2022

    #ccak #ccsk #sectember #cloudsecurity

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