High Performance Computing

  • 1.  Moving Forward...

    Posted Apr 14, 2020 10:12:00 AM
    Dear colleagues, 
    Thank you for your patience. I would first like to start off by introducing a new Co-Chair of the WG, Andrew Howard, Cloud Team Manager, National Computational Infrastructure Canberra Australia, in addition to Guan Sin's leadership. Those who attended the "Joint HPC Cloud Security Workshop" at Supercomputing Asia 2019 in March might remember him as one of the panelists. Both of them will jointly lead the WG.
    We had a discussion with both Co-Chairs and here are the key take-aways for your discussion and thoughts:
    1. The first deliverable will be a 'state of security practice in the industry' type of report, rather than jumping straight in to provide security recommendations and guidelines.
    2. The deliverable will provide background on baseline and current security practice in the HPC / HPC Cloud industry, and the challenges faced by different HPC centres. After gaining better understanding of the landscape and current practice with the first deliverable, the WG can then move to work on security recommendations for HPC Cloud in subsequent deliverables
    3. A possible avenue to get insights into the state of security practices is via a survey (we could also obtain inputs from yourselves, the WG members, since everyone is already from various HPC-related backgrounds) to find out what they are doing / not doing for HPC / HPC Cloud security
      • Firstly, determine level and type of security that is used across HPC / HPC Cloud infrastructures – What are the security practices / best practices used to secure their HPC / HPC Cloud infrastructure? How secure are they?
      • Part of next deliverable? : Identify commonalities of security practices in HPC that can be extended to HPC Cloud, and additional considerations and security recommendations for HPC Cloud
    4. A suggested name of first deliverable:
      • State of Security Practices in HPC & HPC Cloud
      • Other suggestions?
    5. The first deliverable should include: 
      • Definition of HPC Cloud; 
      • HPC Cloud use scenarios; 
      • Current state and practice of security in HPC / HPC Cloud industry
    Please leave in the comments suggestions of first deliverable title, your thoughts on the scope and survey or other suggestions. We will consolidate all comments on Monday, 1st July. Thank you!

    Jane Chow
    Jun 24, 2019 · Notified 37 people