Blockchain/ Distributed Ledger

  • 1.  Blockchain and AI security brainstorming, with AI

    Posted Jan 24, 2024 06:15:00 PM

    So we held a meeting and Brainstormed and discussed the intersection of Blockchain and AI security using AI tools. The conversation skipped around many different topics, but in summary several tools were shown and discussed, as well as several different strategies, which I will try to summarize here:


    ChatGPT 4:

    ChatGPT Wardley Analyst GPT:


    Perplexity search:


    MIT Ideator (closed beta):

    Wardley Mapping:

    Discussion Summary (via AI):

    Here is a merged summary combining the key points from both summaries:

    The "Blockchain Working Group Meeting" transcript offered several insights on leveraging cloud services and AI tools:

    • Using high-level SaaS and PaaS solutions can streamline operations by reducing server management needs, similar to an AI services approach
    • Tools like ChatGPT and PromptPerfect have unique capabilities - PromptPerfect's auto-tuning enhances prompt precision and response quality
    • AI can tackle complex calculations and generate ideas quickly, serving as effective starting points though outputs may be generic
    • Validating AI outputs for safety and feasibility is important given its supportive role versus standalone solution
    • There is optimism about AI's potential in marketplaces for sharing/accessing AI models
    • Subscription models like PromptPerfect offer potential cost savings through optimized prompt generation
    • AI has future roles in boosting speed and quality for information security operations
    • Ethical considerations around responsible AI use are critical, especially in education/professional settings
    • Strategies mentioned include using multiple AI tools to validate results and building customized AI agents
    • Tools like Claude and custom GPT can analyze documents to identify knowledge gaps
    • Key themes were leveraging AI to amplify productivity, validating outputs across tools, and customizing AI for specific domains

    Kurt Seifried
    Chief Blockchain Officer and Director of Special Projects
    Cloud Security Alliance
    [email protected]

  • 2.  RE: Blockchain and AI security brainstorming, with AI

    Posted Jan 24, 2024 06:31:00 PM

    AI-Blockchain Security Ideas

    January 24, 2024
    This conversation may reflect the link creator's personalized data, which isn't shared and can meaningfully change how the model responds.
    Can you brainstorm ideas around security for the intersection of AI and blockchain?

    Certainly. The intersection of AI and blockchain presents unique security challenges and opportunities. Here are some ideas focusing on security in this domain:

    1. Decentralized AI Model Training and Storage: Utilize blockchain to store and manage AI models securely. This approach can prevent unauthorized access and ensure the integrity of AI models. Blockchain's immutable ledger can be used to track and verify model updates, preventing tampering.

    2. Secure Data Sharing for AI Training: Blockchain can facilitate secure, decentralized data sharing for AI training. By using smart contracts, data providers can control how their data is used, ensuring privacy and compliance with regulations like GDPR. This method also allows for the creation of a marketplace for data exchange, where data providers are compensated fairly.

    3. AI for Blockchain Security Analysis: Deploy AI algorithms to monitor blockchain networks for suspicious activities or potential security breaches. AI can analyze transaction patterns to detect anomalies, potentially identifying fraudulent activities or security vulnerabilities in real-time.

    4. Enhanced Privacy through Federated Learning: Combine federated learning with blockchain to enhance privacy in AI. In this model, AI algorithms are trained across multiple decentralized devices or servers while keeping the training data local. Blockchain can be used to record and validate model updates, ensuring trust in the federated learning process.

    5. Smart Contract Vulnerability Detection: Utilize AI to automatically analyze and detect vulnerabilities in smart contracts. Since smart contracts are immutable once deployed on the blockchain, ensuring their security before deployment is crucial. AI can assist in this by identifying patterns and anomalies that might indicate security flaws.

    6. Decentralized Identity Verification: Implement AI-driven identity verification processes on a blockchain. This can enhance the security and integrity of identity verification processes, making them more resistant to fraud and identity theft.

    7. AI-Managed Blockchain Consensus Mechanisms: Explore the use of AI to manage and optimize blockchain consensus mechanisms. AI algorithms can adjust consensus parameters in real-time to balance between efficiency, security, and decentralization.

    8. Blockchain for AI Audit Trails: Use blockchain to create tamper-proof audit trails for AI decision-making processes. This can increase transparency and accountability, particularly in critical applications like finance or healthcare.

    9. Cross-Chain Security Protocols: Develop AI algorithms that can monitor and secure transactions across multiple blockchain networks. This is particularly important as the interoperability between different blockchains becomes more prevalent.

    10. Threat Intelligence Sharing on Blockchain: Create a decentralized platform for sharing threat intelligence using blockchain. AI can be used to analyze this data to identify emerging cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities.

    Each of these ideas combines the strengths of AI and blockchain to address specific security challenges. The key is to leverage the decentralized, transparent, and immutable nature of blockchain, along with the analytical and adaptive capabilities of AI, to enhance security in innovative ways.

    teach me how to brown onions

    Certainly. Browning onions, also known as caramelizing, is a cooking process that enhances the natural sweetness of onions through slow, gentle heating. Here's a detailed guide on how to brown onions:


    • Onions (yellow or white onions are preferred for their balance of astringency and sweetness)
    • Cooking oil or butter (butter adds more flavor, but oil can withstand higher heat)
    • Salt (optional, to taste)


    • A skillet or frying pan (preferably wide and heavy-bottomed to distribute heat evenly)
    • A wooden spoon or spatula
    • A sharp knife
    • Cutting board


    1. Peel and Slice the Onions: Start by peeling the onions. Cut them in half from top to bottom (stem to root). Lay each half flat on the cutting board and slice thinly, following the natural grain of the onions. The slices should be uniform for even cooking.

    2. Heat the Pan: Place your skillet on the stove over medium heat. Let it warm up for a minute before adding the fat.

    3. Add Fat: Add a couple of tablespoons of oil or butter to the pan. If using butter, let it melt but not brown.

    4. Add the Onions: Once the fat is heated (it should shimmer if you're using oil), add the onions. Spread them out evenly across the pan. The onions should start to sizzle gently.

    Cooking Process

    1. Sauté: Cook the onions, stirring occasionally with the wooden spoon or spatula. The goal is to let them cook slowly and evenly. If they start to sizzle or brown too quickly, reduce the heat. The onions should soften but not brown too fast.

    2. Season: After a few minutes, you can add a pinch of salt. This helps draw out moisture and speeds up the caramelization process.

    3. Stir Regularly: As the onions cook, they will start to soften and turn translucent. Keep stirring them every few minutes to prevent them from sticking to

    Kurt Seifried
    Chief Blockchain Officer and Director of Special Projects
    Cloud Security Alliance
    [email protected]

  • 3.  RE: Blockchain and AI security brainstorming, with AI

    Posted Jan 24, 2024 06:31:00 PM

    Ethereum Bridge Security Risks

    January 24, 2024
    This conversation may reflect the link creator's personalized data, which isn't shared and can meaningfully change how the model responds.
    can you give examples of security flaws in an ethereum contract that provides a bridge to anothr blockchain?

    Certainly. When discussing security flaws in an Ethereum contract that provides a bridge to another blockchain, it's important to consider both the inherent risks of blockchain technology and the specific vulnerabilities that may arise in the context of cross-chain bridges. Here are several examples of potential security flaws:

    1. Smart Contract Vulnerabilities: Ethereum smart contracts are written in Solidity, a programming language with unique quirks and potential pitfalls. Common vulnerabilities include reentrancy attacks, where a malicious contract can repeatedly call a function in the bridge contract, and integer overflow/underflow, where arithmetic operations reach the maximum or minimum size of their data type and wrap around.

    2. Oracles and External Data Reliance: Cross-chain bridges often rely on oracles or external sources for information about the state of the other blockchain. Manipulation or errors in these external data sources can lead to incorrect bridge transactions, such as unauthorized token transfers.

    3. Liquidity Issues: Bridges often require liquidity pools to facilitate transactions. Insufficient liquidity or manipulation of these pools can result in loss of funds or inability to complete cross-chain transfers.

    4. Consensus Mechanism Differences: Different blockchains may use different consensus mechanisms, which can lead to incompatibilities or unexpected behaviors when bridging. For example, a blockchain with a less secure consensus mechanism might be more prone to 51% attacks, which could compromise the integrity of the bridge.

    5. Custody and Centralization Risks: Many bridges operate by locking funds in a smart contract on one chain and minting equivalent assets on another. This process can create central points of failure, such as reliance on a small group of validators or multi-sig wallets, which could be compromised.

    6. Upgradability and Admin Keys: If a bridge contract is upgradable, there might be risks associated with the governance model or the management of admin keys used for upgrades. Unauthorized or malicious upgrades could be executed if these keys are compromised.

    7. Transaction Censorship or Delay: Validators or miners could potentially censor or prioritize certain transactions, leading to delays or blockage of cross-chain transfers. This could be particularly problematic in decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, where timing is crucial.

    8. Incorrect Implementation of Cryptographic Primitives: Errors in implementing cryptographic algorithms or handling cryptographic keys can lead to vulnerabilities in contract security. This includes poor randomness generation, mishandling of private keys, or vulnerabilities in signature verification.

    9. Denial of Service Attacks: Smart contracts and bridge mechanisms might be susceptible to DoS attacks, where malicious actors flood the network or contract with transactions to prevent legitimate operations.

    10. Cross-chain Message Verification: Verifying messages or transactions from another blockchain involves challenges, particularly around ensuring that the data received is accurate and that it comes from a legitimate source. Flaws in this verification process can lead to unauthorized or fraudulent transactions.

    It's important for developers and security professionals to thoroughly analyze and test smart contracts, especially those involved in cross-chain operations, to identify and mitigate these risks. Regular audits, following best practices in smart contract development, and staying updated with the latest security research are essential steps in securing blockchain bridges.

    can you deep dive into external oracles and how I improve security when using them?

    Certainly. A deep dive into external oracles and enhancing their security is crucial in the context of blockchain applications, especially when it involves smart contracts and cross-chain operations.

    Understanding External Oracles

    1. Role of Oracles: In blockchain systems, oracles act as bridges between on-chain smart contracts and off-chain data sources. They provide external data (e.g., price feeds, weather data, event outcomes) that smart contracts need to execute certain functions but cannot access directly due to the blockchain's closed environment.

    2. Types of Oracles:

      • Centralized Oracles: These rely on a single data source or provider, leading to a single point of failure.
      • Decentralized Oracles: These gather data from multiple sources, reducing the risk of manipulation or error in the data provided.
    3. Common Use Cases: Price feeds in DeFi, outcomes of real-world events in prediction markets, and cross-chain data verification.

    Security Risks with External Oracles

    1. Data Manipulation: If an oracle provides incorrect or manipulated data, the smart contract relying on it may

    Kurt Seifried
    Chief Blockchain Officer and Director of Special Projects
    Cloud Security Alliance
    [email protected]

  • 4.  RE: Blockchain and AI security brainstorming, with AI

    Posted Jan 24, 2024 06:33:00 PM


    What are different parts of my problem?

    Idea 9.1Zoom In - Parts

    - Understand the characteristics and patterns of normal behavior in the blockchain network - Develop AI algorithms for anomaly detection - Define metrics and thresholds for identifying anomalous activities - Integrate AI algorithms into the private blockchain network - Test and validate the accuracy and efficiency of the AI-based anomaly detection - Set up real-time monitoring and alerting system for detected anomalies - Establish incident response procedures for handling identified attacks or anomalies - Continuously improve and update the AI-based anomaly detection system based on new attack techniques and patterns.

    What are different types of my problem?

    Idea 9.2Zoom In - Types

    - Implement AI-based anomaly detection for transaction tampering - Implement AI-based anomaly detection for data manipulation - Implement AI-based anomaly detection for fraudulent smart contract execution - Implement AI-based anomaly detection for unauthorized access attempts - Implement AI-based anomaly detection for malicious network behaviors - Implement AI-based anomaly detection for suspicious consensus algorithm activities - Implement AI-based anomaly detection for stealthy attacks on blockchain nodes - Implement AI-based anomaly detection for privacy breaches on the blockchain

    What other problem is my problem a part of?

    Idea 9.3Zoom Out - Parts

    Ensure cybersecurity

    What other problem is my problem a type of?

    Idea 9.4Zoom Out - Types

    Implement AI for cybersecurity

    What are some useful analogies to your problem?

    Idea 9.5Analogize

    Implementing AI-based anomaly detection for detecting private blockchain-based attacks is like installing a high-tech security system in a private gated community. Just as the security system constantly monitors and analyzes activities within the community to identify any abnormal behavior or potential threats, the AI-based anomaly detection system tracks and analyzes the transactions and activities within the private blockchain to identify any suspicious or malicious activities. Another analogy is that it's similar to having a smart antivirus software specifically designed to detect and protect against new and emerging cyber threats. Just as the antivirus software uses advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to identify and quarantine potential malware, the AI-based anomaly detection system uses similar techniques to detect and flag any abnormal or potentially harmful activities within the private blockchain network.

    What are you missing from your current problem statement?

    Idea 9.6What Am I Missing

    When formulating the problem statement for implementing AI-based anomaly detection for detecting private blockchain-based attacks, consider the following questions: 1. What is the specific purpose of detecting private blockchain-based attacks? Are you focused on identifying specific attack vectors, preventing financial losses, or safeguarding sensitive information? 2. How will you define and classify anomalies in the context of private blockchain-based attacks? Will you be considering irregular transaction patterns, suspicious access attempts, abnormal network behavior, or other factors? 3. What type of data will be available for anomaly detection? Are you planning to use blockchain transaction data, network logs, user behavior data, or a combination of these? 4. Will your AI-based anomaly detection system be real-time or batch-based? This decision will shape the technical requirements and design of your solution. 5. What are the constraints and limitations of your implementation? Are there any resource limitations, privacy considerations, regulatory compliance requirements, or technical feasibility limitations that need to be addressed? Refined problem statement: Develop an AI-based anomaly detection system that analyzes blockchain transaction data and network logs to detect and classify private blockchain-based attacks, with a focus on irregular transaction patterns and malicious access attempts. The system should operate in real-time and comply with privacy regulations, while considering resource constraints and technical feasibility.

    Explore ProblemIdea 8I want to Implement AI-based anomaly detection for detecting blockchain-based attacks
    Last modified: Wed, Jan 24, 2024 11:24 AM

    What are different parts of my problem?

    Idea 8.1Zoom In - Parts

    - Determine relevant blockchain metrics to monitor - Define normal behavior for each metric - Collect real-time blockchain data - Develop AI model for anomaly detection - Train the AI model using historical data - Test the AI model for accuracy and performance - Integrate the AI model into the blockchain system - Monitor anomalies detected by the AI model - Implement appropriate response mechanisms for detected anomalies

    What are different types of my problem?

    Idea 8.2Zoom In - Types

    - Implement AI-based anomaly detection for detecting double-spending attacks in blockchain - Implement AI-based anomaly detection for detecting 51% attacks in blockchain - Implement AI-based anomaly detection for detecting Sybil attacks in blockchain - Implement AI-based anomaly detection for detecting smart contract vulnerabilities in blockchain - Implement AI-based anomaly detection for detecting DDoS attacks on blockchain networks - Implement AI-based anomaly detection for detecting data manipulation attacks in blockchain - Implement AI-based anomaly detection for detecting node compromise attacks in blockchain.

    What other problem is my problem a part of?

    Idea 8.3Zoom Out - Parts

    Ensure security and integrity of blockchain networks

    What other problem is my problem a type of?

    Idea 8.4Zoom Out - Types

    Deploy AI-based security measures

    What are some useful analogies to your problem?

    Idea 8.5Analogize

    Implementing AI-based anomaly detection for detecting blockchain-based attacks is like placing security cameras throughout a museum to identify unusual behavior or theft. Just as the cameras analyze video footage to pinpoint suspicious activities, AI algorithms can analyze blockchain data to identify abnormal transactions or patterns that may indicate an attack. Another analogy could be a doctor using a combination of medical history, vital signs, and diagnostic tests to detect a hidden, hard-to-diagnose disease. Similar to how the doctor looks for abnormal symptoms or test results, AI-based anomaly detection in blockchain can analyze various parameters and behaviors to identify irregularities that may indicate an attack on the blockchain network.

    What are you missing from your current problem statement?

    Idea 8.6What Am I Missing

    When formulating the problem statement, consider the following questions to enhance its clarity and specificity: 1. What metrics or indicators will be used to define an anomaly in blockchain-based attacks? Defining what constitutes an anomaly is crucial for training an AI-based anomaly detection system effectively. 2. What type of blockchain attacks do you specifically want to detect? Are you aiming to detect attacks on the consensus mechanism, smart contracts, or other specific vulnerabilities unique to blockchain technology? Understanding the specific focus will help in designing appropriate detection algorithms. 3. How will the anomaly detection system interact with the blockchain? Will it be integrated directly into the blockchain network or operate externally by monitoring network traffic and transactions? Clarifying the implementation approach is essential for developing an effective solution. 4. What data sources will be available for training the AI model? Identifying the relevant data sources, such as transaction history, network logs, or external threat intelligence feeds, ensures that the AI model can learn from a comprehensive dataset. 5. What level of performance or accuracy is desired for the anomaly detection system? Setting realistic performance goals can help guide the development process and ensure that the solution meets the intended requirements. Revise the problem statement based on the answers to these questions: "Develop an AI-based anomaly detection system that focuses on detecting attacks targeting the consensus mechanism in blockchain networks. The system will analyze network traffic and transaction data sourced from the blockchain network, aiming to achieve at least 95% detection accuracy. The solution will be implemented externally, monitoring network activity and alerting administrators in real-time when an anomaly is detected."

    Explore ProblemIdea 7I want to brainstorm ideas around information security with respect to the intersection of AI and blockchain technologies
    Last modified: Wed, Jan 24, 2024 11:23 AM

    What are different parts of my problem?

    Idea 7.1Zoom In - Parts

    - Explore current use cases of AI and blockchain in information security - Identify potential vulnerabilities and risks when combining AI and blockchain - Brainstorm ways to leverage AI for threat detection and prevention in blockchain systems - Explore how blockchain can enhance the security and privacy of AI applications - Consider potential regulatory and ethical implications of using AI and blockchain in information security - Investigate strategies to ensure transparency and accountability in AI and blockchain systems in the context of information security

    Idea 7.1.1

    - Identify potential threats and vulnerabilities in AI and blockchain technologies - Explore ways to leverage AI for enhanced information security in blockchain systems - Investigate the use of blockchain for securing AI data and models - Brainstorm ideas for AI-powered threat detection and prevention in blockchain networks - Consider the impact of AI and blockchain on privacy and data protection - Evaluate the role of smart contracts in securing AI transactions and data - Explore the use of decentralized identity and authentication systems in AI and blockchain - Identify potential challenges and ethical implications at the intersection of AI, blockchain, and information security

    What are different types of my problem?

    Idea 7.2Zoom In - Types

    - Use AI to enhance blockchain security - Implement blockchain technology for secure AI data storage - Develop AI algorithms to detect and prevent blockchain vulnerabilities - Explore the use of blockchain for verifying AI model integrity - Use AI to analyze blockchain transactions for detecting suspicious activity - Combine AI and blockchain for secure multi-party computation - Use blockchain to secure AI-based authentication systems - Implement AI-based anomaly detection for detecting blockchain-based attacks - Develop blockchain-based solutions for secure AI data sharing and collaboration

    Idea 7.2.1

    - Applications of AI in enhancing blockchain security - Combining AI and blockchain for secure identity management - Using AI to detect and prevent blockchain-based cyber attacks - Leveraging blockchain to enhance the security and transparency of AI systems - Exploring the use of AI for blockchain data privacy and encryption - Utilizing blockchain for secure and tamper-proof AI training datasets - Designing AI algorithms for threat detection and response in blockchain ecosystems - Integrating AI and blockchain for secure and decentralized data sharing and storage in information security.

    What other problem is my problem a part of?

    Idea 7.3Zoom Out - Parts

    Improve cybersecurity and protect data privacy

    What other problem is my problem a type of?

    Idea 7.4Zoom Out - Types

    Explore the potential risks and solutions in the emerging field of AI and blockchain cybersecurity

    What are some useful analogies to your problem?

    Idea 7.5Analogize

    1. An information security system using AI and blockchain technologies is like a highly encrypted safe that requires both a unique key (blockchain) and a complex adaptive algorithm (AI) to access it. 2. The integration of AI and blockchain in information security is akin to a advanced security system in a classified facility, where AI acts as the highly trained security guard constantly monitoring and detecting threats, while blockchain serves as the tamper-proof lock on critical data. 3. AI and blockchain working together for information security is like a dynamic bodyguard duo, with AI acting as the intuitive mind that assesses potential threats, and blockchain as the indestructible shield that safeguards sensitive information. 4. The combination of AI and blockchain in information security is like a double authentication process, where AI verifies user behavior patterns and biometrics, while blockchain ensures the integrity and immutability of the transactional records. 5. The collaboration between AI and blockchain in information security is like a fortification system, where AI functions as the advanced surveillance system that monitors and identifies potential risks, and blockchain acts as the impenetrable wall that prevents unauthorized access to critical data.

    What are you missing from your current problem statement?

    Idea 7.6What Am I Missing

    When formulating your problem statement around information security at the intersection of AI and blockchain technologies, it's essential to consider the following aspects: 1. Specific Goals: What precisely do you aim to achieve with your brainstorming? Are you looking for practical implementation solutions or exploring theoretical possibilities? 2. Stakeholders: Who are the key stakeholders that would be affected by the intersection of AI and blockchain in information security? Consider the perspectives of users, organizations, regulators, and potential adversaries. 3. Potential Risks: What are the possible security risks introduced by the convergence of AI and blockchain? Explore both the technology-specific risks and those arising from their combined use. 4. Legal and Ethical Considerations: How do legal frameworks and ethical guidelines apply to information security when AI and blockchain technologies are interconnected? Assess privacy, data protection, transparency, and accountability. 5. Emerging Challenges: Investigate the unique challenges that arise when combining AI and blockchain, such as data integrity, malicious use of AI algorithms, consensus mechanisms, scalability, and interoperability. By incorporating these aspects into your problem statement, you will create a more comprehensive foundation for brainstorming ideas around information security at the intersection of AI and blockchain technologies.

    Explore ProblemIdea 6I want to Brainstorm potential use cases for utilizing blockchain smart contracts to facilitate secure communication and collaboration among artificial intelligence (AI) systems. Identify specific scenarios where blockchain technology could address unique security challenges inherent in AI-to-AI communications and interoperability. Consider how blockchain could enhance trust, data integrity, and privacy in AI interactions, while promoting seamless cooperation and synergy between different AI entities. Your response should highlight the potential benefits and challenges of integrating blockchain into AI communication and cooperation, offering innovative and practical ideas for leveraging this technology to address security concerns and improve AI collaboration.
    Last modified: Tue, Jan 23, 2024 10:49 AM

    What are different parts of my problem?

    Idea 6.1Zoom In - Parts

    - Identify AI-to-AI communication challenges - Explore existing security vulnerabilities in AI communication - Assess potential benefits and challenges of integrating blockchain technology - Define specific scenarios where blockchain can enhance AI-to-AI communication - Develop smart contract protocols for secure AI interactions - Design mechanisms to ensure trust, data integrity, and privacy in AI communications - Create a framework for seamless cooperation and synergy between AI entities - Evaluate the scalability and performance of blockchain solutions for AI communication - Implement pilot projects to test blockchain integration in AI collaboration - Monitor and analyze the impact of blockchain on improving security and cooperation in AI systems.

    What are different types of my problem?

    Idea 6.2Zoom In - Types

    - Use blockchain smart contracts to enable secure communication and collaboration between autonomous vehicles, ensuring trusted and coordinated navigation and traffic flow while maintaining data privacy. - Implement blockchain technology in AI-powered medical diagnostic systems, allowing secure and privacy-preserving exchange of patient data between different AI models and healthcare providers, enhancing accuracy and reliability of diagnoses. - Apply blockchain in AI-driven supply chain management to enable secure and transparent tracking of goods, preventing counterfeit products and ensuring trust between different AI systems involved in the supply chain. - Utilize blockchain to facilitate secure communication and collaboration between AI systems analyzing financial transactions, enhancing fraud detection and prevention while preserving the confidentiality of sensitive financial data. - Leverage blockchain smart contracts for securing AI-to-AI communication in the defense sector, enabling interoperability and collaboration between military AI systems while protecting classified information. - Use blockchain to facilitate secure communication between AI-powered smart home devices, ensuring privacy of personal data and enabling seamless coordination for home automation and energy management. - Implement blockchain in AI-controlled smart grid systems to enhance coordination and resilience, allowing secure energy data sharing and enabling autonomous decision-making among different AI entities while maintaining grid reliability and data integrity. - Apply blockchain technology to secure and facilitate communication between AI systems conducting scientific research, ensuring transparent and reliable exchange of data and facilitating collaborative discoveries while preserving intellectual property rights. - Leverage blockchain in AI-driven insurance systems to enhance trust and transparency in claim settlements, enabling secure communication and collaboration between AI systems while ensuring fair and accurate assessments. - Implement blockchain in AI-guided voting systems, ensuring secure and tamper-proof communication between AI systems involved in the voting process, enhancing trust and integrity in democratic elections.

    What other problem is my problem a part of?

    Idea 6.3Zoom Out - Parts

    Develop secure AI networks

    What other problem is my problem a type of?

    Idea 6.4Zoom Out - Types

    Explore the integration of blockchain in AI collaboration and communication

    What are some useful analogies to your problem?

    Idea 6.5Analogize

    An analogy to utilizing blockchain smart contracts for secure communication and collaboration among AI systems could be renting an office space in a shared workspace. Just like how different individuals or companies can rent a space in a shared building and have access to shared resources and amenities, AI systems can utilize blockchain smart contracts to securely communicate and collaborate. Here's a potential use case: Multiple AI systems from different organizations collaborate on a research project. By using blockchain smart contracts, they can establish a secure and transparent communication channel. The smart contract can ensure that each AI system verifies and authenticates the incoming data, providing data integrity. Blockchain technology can also enhance trust between the AI systems, as no single entity has control over the shared communication channel. Additionally, blockchain can address security challenges in AI-to-AI communications and interoperability. For example, if an AI system malfunctions or produces compromised data, blockchain can help identify the problematic system through its immutable and transparent ledger. This enables quick detection and mitigation of security breaches. However, integrating blockchain into AI communication and cooperation also presents challenges. The increased computational requirements and potential scalability issues of blockchain may impact the overall performance and efficiency of AI systems. The need for consensus mechanisms and verification processes might introduce additional latency in communication. To address these challenges, innovatively combining technologies like Federated Learning and blockchain can allow AI systems to collaborate securely while minimizing the impact on performance. This ensures that privacy is maintained, data integrity is preserved, and AI entities can seamlessly cooperate and synergize their efforts.

    What are you missing from your current problem statement?

    Idea 6.6What Am I Missing

    When formulating your problem statement, consider the following: 1. Scope: Are you looking to explore blockchain technology for all types of AI systems or focusing on specific domains such as autonomous vehicles, healthcare, or finance? Clarify the scope and target applications of your study. 2. Stakeholders: Identify the different parties involved in AI-to-AI communication and collaboration. Are they individuals, organizations, or both? Consider the varying interests, incentives, and concerns of these stakeholders when defining the security challenges and benefits. 3. Technical feasibility: Reflect on the current capabilities and limitations of blockchain technology. Consider factors such as transaction speed, scalability, energy efficiency, and computational requirements. Assess the feasibility of deploying blockchain for AI communication systems in terms of technological constraints and potential trade-offs. 4. Legal and regulatory aspects: Examine the legal implications and regulatory frameworks associated with implementing blockchain in AI communication. Consider data protection, privacy laws, intellectual property rights, and compliance requirements that may impact the design and deployment of blockchain-based solutions. 5. Economic and social considerations: Explore the economic and social impacts of integrating blockchain into AI systems. Assess the costs, benefits, and potential risks associated with blockchain implementation, considering factors such as adoption barriers, economic incentives, and potential disruption to existing infrastructures. By addressing these points, you can refine your problem statement to be more comprehensive and contextually detailed, focusing on the specific aspects that are most relevant to your study.

    Explore ProblemIdea 5I want to Build a process to help us use LLM to generate technical papers, especially around information security of AI systems
    Last modified: Thu, Dec 7, 2023 2:24 PM
    Explore SolutionsIdea 4I want to explore how to build a document library for files, web pages and emails, using google drive to store the files, and AI like chatgpt to extract data from the documents such as the author(s), the topics, identify and llevbel them with keywords, who the audience is (e.g. general, subject matter expert), summaries of the item, any interesting or new points made in it and so on
    Last modified: Sat, Nov 4, 2023 9:48 PM
    Explore ProblemIdea 3I want to explore how to build a document library for files, web pages and emails, using google drive to store the files, and AI like chatgpt to extract data from the documents such as the author(s), the topics, keywords, who the audience is (e.g. general, subject matter expert), summaries of the item, any interesting or new points made in it and so on
    Last modified: Sat, Nov 4, 2023 9:47 PM
    Explore ProblemIdea 2I want to explore what we can do to improve computer security vulnerability identification, reporting, cataloging and processing. How do we define success and how do we measure both success and the things that lead to success?
    Last modified: Fri, Nov 3, 2023 11:44 AM
    Explore ProblemIdea 1I want to explore what we can do to improve computer security vulnerability identification, reporting, cataloging and processing
    Last modified: Fri, Nov 3, 2023 11:39 AM

    Kurt Seifried
    Chief Blockchain Officer and Director of Special Projects
    Cloud Security Alliance
    [email protected]

  • 5.  RE: Blockchain and AI security brainstorming, with AI

    Posted Jan 24, 2024 06:31:00 PM

    AI & Blockchain Security Map

    January 24, 2024
    let's create a wardley map exploring the intersection of AI and blockchain security

    Creating a Wardley Map to explore the intersection of AI and blockchain security is a fascinating endeavor. To get started, we need to identify the key components involved in this intersection and their relationships. Here's a conceptual outline for the Wardley Map:

    1. Anchor: Business Value - The overall value proposition of integrating AI and blockchain security. This is what the map revolves around.

    2. Components:

      • AI in Security (such as machine learning models for threat detection)
      • Blockchain Technology (focused on security aspects)
      • Data Analysis (for AI model training and insights)
      • Smart Contracts (for automated, secure transactions on blockchain)
      • Decentralized Networks (underlying blockchain infrastructure)
      • Threat Intelligence Platforms (AI-enabled)
      • Compliance and Regulatory Frameworks (specific to blockchain and AI)
      • User Education and Training (awareness about security in blockchain and AI systems)
      • Hardware Security Modules (physical security for blockchain nodes)
      • Cloud Services (for hosting blockchain and AI systems)
    3. Evolutionary Stages:

      • AI in Security: Likely between Custom Built and Product.
      • Blockchain Technology: Moving from Product to Commodity.
      • Data Analysis: Product stage.
      • Smart Contracts: Custom Built, moving towards Product.
      • Decentralized Networks: Between Product and Commodity.
      • Threat Intelligence Platforms: Product stage.
      • Compliance and Regulatory Frameworks: Custom Built.
      • User Education and Training: Custom Built.
      • Hardware Security Modules: Product.
      • Cloud Services: Commodity.
    4. Connections:

      • AI in Security connected to Data Analysis and Threat Intelligence Platforms.
      • Blockchain Technology connected to Smart Contracts, Decentralized Networks, and Compliance Frameworks.
      • Smart Contracts and Decentralized Networks connected to Cloud Services.
      • User Education and Training connected to all components to indicate its overarching importance.
    5. Annotations:

      • Highlight the importance of evolving regulatory frameworks in AI and blockchain integration.
      • Note the increasing commoditization of cloud services and its impact on blockchain deployment.

    With this outline, I will now create a visual representation of the Wardley Map. Please hold on for a moment.


    Here is the visual representation of the Wardley Map for the intersection of AI and blockchain security:

    Analysis and Strategic Insights:

    1. AI in Security: This component is in the transition from Custom Built to Product. It highlights a focus on developing more standardized AI solutions for security, possibly bespoke for blockchain technologies. The evolution here suggests a growing maturity in AI-driven security solutions, particularly in anomaly detection and threat intelligence.

    2. Blockchain Technology: Positioned between Product and Commodity, indicating its increasing standardization. The security aspects of blockchain are well-understood, yet there is ongoing innovation, especially in areas like consensus algorithms and cryptographic methods.

    3. Data Analysis: Essential for training AI models. Its placement in the Product stage suggests an established practice but still evolving, especially regarding how data is used in the context of security.

    4. Smart Contracts: Still in the Custom Built stage, moving towards Product. This indicates ongoing innovation in creating secure and efficient contracts, which is crucial for blockchain applications.

    5. Decentralized Networks: These are crucial for blockchain security and are evolving from Product to Commodity, suggesting that the underlying network technologies are becoming more standardized and widely adopted.

    6. Threat Intelligence Platforms: Positioned as a Product, these platforms are likely leveraging AI to provide advanced threat detection and security insights specific to blockchain technologies.

    7. Compliance and Regulatory Frameworks: Remaining in the Custom Built stage, these are crucial for navigating the evolving landscape of AI and blockchain, indicating a need for specialized knowledge and continuous adaptation to new regulations.

    8. User Education and Training: This is critical across all elements, emphasizing the need for ongoing education about the evolving nature of blockchain and AI security.

    9. Hardware Security Modules and Cloud Services: Both essential for supporting the infrastructure of blockchain and AI. Cloud Services are more commoditized, indicating a high level of standardization and widespread adoption.


    The map indicates a rapidly evolving landscape where AI and blockchain are increasingly intersecting. The focus should be on advancing AI security technologies while also paying close attention to regulatory changes and user education. As blockchain technology moves towards commoditization, the role of standardized cloud services and secure, decentralized networks becomes more prominent, providing a stable foundation for these innovations.

    Kurt Seifried
    Chief Blockchain Officer and Director of Special Projects
    Cloud Security Alliance
    [email protected]