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CSPS (Center for Space Policy and Strategy) Enabling a new space paradigm Harnessing Space Mobility and Logistics 202301

  • 1.  CSPS (Center for Space Policy and Strategy) Enabling a new space paradigm Harnessing Space Mobility and Logistics 202301

    Posted Feb 20, 2023 08:43:00 AM
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    Hi All,

    The Center for Space Policy and Strategy (CSPS) recently released "Enabling a new space paradigm Harnessing Space Mobility and Logistics."

    For the U.S. Space Force to emerge as a twenty-first-century space warfighting force, certain new capabilities must be fielded. The Space Capstone Publication Spacepower emphasizes the point, especially when introducing Space Mobility and Logistics Core Competency. Space Mobility and Logistics encompass capabilities meant to make spacecraft more maneuverable, adaptable, and resilient, including inspection, materiel logistics, orbit modification, refueling, client augmentation, and active debris removal. For each of these capability areas, the Space Force can adopt one or more of four general approaches: as a Participant in a wider market with standard services, a strategic customer utilizing the wider market for Customized services, an Anchor Tenant for a capability with future commercial promise, or as a full Owner of a unique capability. The features of each capability, along with the current state of space technology and commercial industry, dictate different approaches for each. This paper provides an approximation of the most favorable approach for each capability for fielding in a generic national security space application in the next five years. Funding constraints will encourage U.S. Space Force stakeholders and policymakers to adopt the participatory approach where possible, so some methods of driving capabilities toward this approach are outlined. These findings are meant to aid the difficult process of transforming policy into reality, and best equip the space warfighter for the future.

    Michael Roza CPA, CISA, CIA, CC, MBA, Exec MBA