High Performance Computing

Meeting Minutes - Aug 22 - New Initiatives Proposed

  • 1.  Meeting Minutes - Aug 22 - New Initiatives Proposed

    Posted Aug 22, 2023 09:27:00 AM

    Hi all! Thank you to those who were able to join the virtual discussion today about the 3 new initiatives we're exploring.  Below is a brief summary of each.  Please provide your input in the comments and I hope you can join us on the next virtual call in 2 weeks!

    1. Tabletop exercise for supply chain attacks against HPC systems -  delve into risk like a researcher downloads a malicious piece of code or library to use within the application they are building for the HPC system. 
    2. Position paper targeting scientific researchers/HPC users on  why good security makes for better science  - Security controls like input validation, error handling, and many others make the application work more consistently and reliably which not only improve security but the quality of the scientific results that come out of the application.  
    3. HPC attack flows

    Hillary Baron
    Sr Technical Director