Seattle Chapter

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Seattle Chapter Monthly Meetup - Kyverno

  • 1.  Seattle Chapter Monthly Meetup - Kyverno

    Posted Mar 23, 2022 05:37:00 PM
    Hey everyone - I didn't realize this board was active so I haven't been paying much attention myself. ๐Ÿ˜” Will do a better job.

    For those who haven't heard via the other social medias, our next chapter meeting is tomorrow evening, March 24th.

    We'll be joined by Jim Bugwadia from Nirmata. He's going to introduce and then dive into managing policy-based security in Kubernetes with the open source project Kyverno. I've seen his talks before - I promise it'll be good!

    We're hoping to make things more interactive this time, so we'll be using Zoom. Please RSVP on our new meetup page Managing Kubernetes Security Policies with Kyverno | Meetup

    Meetup remove preview
    Managing Kubernetes Security Policies with Kyverno | Meetup
    Details Jim Bugwadia from Nirmata will introduce the open source Kyverno policy manager, and discuss how it can be used to manage Kubernetes security policies. Jim Bugwadia is a co-founder and the CEO of Nirmata, the Kubernetes policy management company.
    View this on Meetup >

    Apologize for the short notice, promise I'll do better in the future.
