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Publication Peer Review: Rapid Approachable Steps to Address the Manufacturing Industry Cybersecurity Challenges

  • 1.  Publication Peer Review: Rapid Approachable Steps to Address the Manufacturing Industry Cybersecurity Challenges

    Posted Dec 24, 2021 08:01:00 AM
    Provide your feedback now! We're currently working on a new publication about manufacturing industry cybersecurity challenges. With the rapid movement towards a modern-day manufacturing environment, new and connected technologies that employ greater cyber connectedness continue to grow. At the same time, these technologies can introduce cybersecurity risks. This document will provide:
    - Historical background
    - Frameworks and quick fixes that can be used to secure the manufacturing sector
    - A look to the future of manufacturing industry cybersecurity

    Participate in the peer review now →

    #CyberSecurity #manufacturingindustry #manufacturingtechnology

    Orbert .