Like you, I tried to understand this fully.. The question isn't specific to an Iaas or PaaS component (at least from your text).. as it reads " which of the 5 boxes below are used to help build"... so I wouldn't confuse that its asking for specific SaaS components, just pick from the list what would build a final solution. As to teh final answer, i'm not 100% sure but it looks liek all of them... Coceptually for SaaS architecture it has 3 layers (Tiers) .. Database (Data Tier) , Application Server (Logic Tier) and Web browser (Presenattion Tier)... And yes I used google to assist ;) ...
On teh DB Tier : Relational DB
on the Application Tier : Application Auto Scale as well as Notification Service and Container Cluster... The NS and CC are teh engines for messages etc so they fall in this tier
On teh Presenattion Tier: Webserver Autoscale group ( your user connections to the SaaS service)
This is just my thinking on the question..
What is teh self study source you're using?
Kevin Stander
Solution Architect
Original Message:
Sent: May 06, 2020 02:42:36 PM
From: Ryan Bergsma
Subject: Which SaaS components are built on IaaS?
A user recently submitted the following question. What is the correct answer?
"A quiz question in the CCSK self-paced course specifically asks which of the 5 boxes below are used to help build SaaS on top of IaaS and points you (when you hit the Review Question button) to the architecture description below as to where the answer should be. Personally I found the description to be fairly jumbled and non specific, so it's not clear (to me at least) what the specific answer is. All the boxes/options in the question except Notification services, are listed as components of IaaS and PaaS in the description, none are explicitly described as SaaS components.
Listed as PaaS in the description
Load balancers
Listed as IaaS in the description
Web servers
App servers
So it's not clear what is eliminated and what is included so the answer is not clear."
Ryan Bergsma CCSK