The Inner Circle

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  • 1.  Call for Volunteers: Blockchain and AI Security Solutions Assessment Project

    Posted May 20, 2024 08:24:00 AM

    Are you passionate about the cutting-edge intersection of blockchain and AI? Do you want to help assess innovative solutions in this space? Join our new project as a volunteer and be part of a team that delves into the world of Blockchain/AI solutions to determine their true value and potential.

    Objective: Build AI-based tools to evaluate the legitimacy, usefulness, and technical robustness of Blockchain/AI solutions at scale. Do these types of solutions represent genuine innovation or are there existing solutions?

    • Create and use AI tools to conduct reviews to understand the market positioning and potential impact of these solutions.
    • Create and use AI tools to perform technical evaluations to analyze the robustness and security of their solutions.
    • Create and use AI tools to provide recommendations based on findings to help differentiate between scams and legitimate, valuable innovations.

    Interested in joining the project? ---> 1. Join the blockchain community on Circle.   2. Fill out the form here. 

    Project kick-off call will be on May 29th at 10am PT

    Hillary Baron
    Sr Technical Director

  • 2.  RE: Call for Volunteers: Blockchain and AI Security Solutions Assessment Project

    Posted May 21, 2024 09:04:00 AM

    Hi, I would love to help!

    Luciano Ferrari
    Senior Director Cyber Security

  • 3.  RE: Call for Volunteers: Blockchain and AI Security Solutions Assessment Project

    Posted May 21, 2024 09:08:00 AM

    Wonderful! To sign up join the blockchain community on Circle and then fill out the form here. 

    Hillary Baron
    Sr Technical Director

  • 4.  RE: Call for Volunteers: Blockchain and AI Security Solutions Assessment Project

    Posted May 22, 2024 06:05:00 AM

    I just signed up and joined.

    Chinaezurum Ndumele