Cloud Controls Matrix

  • 1.  CCM WG Calls Agenda - Available here in Circle

    Posted May 16, 2024 02:46:00 AM

    Dear members,

    The CCM WG calls agenda and other relevant project files can be easily accessed in the 'Library' section of this community page.
    The agenda holds the latest ongoing and planned projects for the CCM WG.

    Please consider joining our calls to state your participation interest or learn more.
    Info to join our calls can be found in the 'Events' section of this community page.

    [Lefteris] [Skoutaris]
    [Cloud Controls Matrix, Program Manager]
    [Cloud Security Alliance]

  • 2.  RE: CCM WG Calls Agenda - Available here in Circle

    Posted May 23, 2024 11:59:00 AM
    Dear All, I am sorry, I will not be able to get home in time to participate on the today meeting. Contributing to an answer to Mustafa Iqbal's question on risk management I suggest, that if Leftrtis agrees, start from my earlier proposal on risk definition. I use my university mail, this Gmail is an exception.Best, Kati Szenes