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ENISA's NIS Investments report

  • 1.  ENISA's NIS Investments report

    Posted Nov 24, 2022 08:19:00 AM
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    Hi All,

    ENISA just published ENISA's NIS Investments report,

    This report marks the third iteration of ENISA's NIS Investments report, which collects data on how Operators of Essential Services (OES) and Digital Service Providers (DSP) identified in the European Union's directive on security of network and information systems (NIS Directive) invest their cybersecurity budgets and how this investment has been influenced by the NIS Directive. In addition, global cybersecurity market trends are presented through Gartner security data and insights observed globally and in the EU, in order to provide a better understanding of the relevant dynamics. This year's report presents data collected from 1080 OES/DSPs from all 27 EU Member States and can now provide a historical dataset that allows for year-on-year comparison and identification of trends. Moreover, sectorial deep dives were conducted for the Energy and Health sectors. Overall, a number of absolute values, such as IT and Information Security (IS) budgets or % of IT budgets spent on IS seem to be significantly lower compared to last year. This can be attributed to the composition of the survey sample and to the higher representation of OES from the Energy and Health sectors due to the sectorial deep dives, but also to the macroeconomic environment, such as the COVID-19 impact on the respective budgets.

    Michael Roza CPA, CISA, CIA, MBA, Exec MBA
