Quantum-Safe Security

Meeting Minutes - 23 April 2024

  • 1.  Meeting Minutes - 23 April 2024

    Posted Apr 23, 2024 11:11:00 AM
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    • NEW Meeting Time - 9:30am PT- reach out [email protected] if you don't have the updated QSS meeting series
    • Update on current activities
      • Quantum Physics 101 discussion - may remove,
      • Short articles
        • new position paper from the 4-agencies - will remove if no interest
        • Apple Using PQ3 for iMessage - writing continues
      • Collaboration with Cloud Key Management Group - introductions to interested parties to understand overlap points and where we can be involved
      • Crypto Newsletter - ongoing!
    • Update on current documents
      • Security controls / Quantum Risk Matrix - Looking for help with reviewing and revising the current version. 1 last internal review needed.
      • AI and Quantum article - beginning to write, currently pulling articles
      • Paused:
        • QSS/Blockchain - restarting effort
        • QKD & PQC  - paused, no action items assigned
    • News from Quantum-Safe space
      • Article retracted after claiming to break lattice-based - written by credible source so it's worth to pay attention too - https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/555, http://www.chenyilei.net/
      • Breakthrough in Quantum Cloud Computing Ensures its Security and Privacy
        • https://www.techrepublic.com/article/quantum-cloud-computing-security-privacy/
        • "Oxford University researchers used an approach dubbed "blind quantum computing" to connect two quantum computing entities in a way that is completely secure."
        • How? They are stating that with "blind quantum computing" the user will remotely control the quantum processor of the server rather than relying on the cloud provider.
        • A client computer would need to be able to detect photons which would be connected to a quantum computing server with a fibre network and received by the client.
        • It is stated that tampering would not impact the security of the data, however, it could corrupt the result and client would not know about it.
        • Research was funded by the UK Quantum Computing and Simulation Hub (collaboration of 17 universities) which is one of four quantum tech hubs in the UK National Quantum Technologies Programme.

    Hillary Baron
    Sr Technical Director


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