Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) Expert Group

Reminder: Working group meeting Thursday January 26 at 8pm ET: The Business Value of Zero Trust

  • 1.  Reminder: Working group meeting Thursday January 26 at 8pm ET: The Business Value of Zero Trust

    Posted Jan 23, 2023 12:06:00 PM

    Hello folks - Reminder  - our next workstream meeting - for Zero Trust Architecture, Implementation and Maturity Model - is this Thursday January 26 at 8.00 pm ET.

    We hope to see you there - we will be covering the following topics: 

    1. Welcome and introductions by new members
    2. Main  Topics : 
      • Work on "Communicating the Business Value of Zero Trust" whitepaper: Kicking off work on the outline, and assignment of sections to sketch out

    Meeting Link: Join Zoom Meeting (will be recorded)

    Meeting ID: 871 7888 8175
    Passcode: 849378
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    Meeting ID: 871 7888 8175
    Passcode: 849378
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    Jason Garbis, CISSP
    Co-Chair, Zero Trust Working Group
    CPO, Appgate
    Author: Zero Trust Security: An Enterprise Guide