Volunteer Opportunity Details

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International Standardization Council (ISC)

Starts: 04-30-2022


Create an account or log in to apply to join the council.

Due to the highly strategic value of the ISC as well as the sensitivity of work and protection of IP, we encourage participation by individuals with a strong background working with international standardization communities and processes. New membership is then approved by a simple majority vote by the current ISC membership. All members are bounded by the CSA IPR policy. Current membership has representatives from various National Bodies (NBs), including CA, CN, DE, FR, GB, HK, SG, TW, US.

Purpose of the Council:
The International Standardization Council (ISC) has been designated to coordinate all aspects of standardization efforts within CSA. The ISC actively searches mechanisms of inserting CSA content into standards under development, captures and codifies the knowledge gained from CSA past experience, and increases education and awareness with respect to standards. CSA is represented on SC 27, SC 38 and other applicable ISO working groups.

The ISC provides an avenue for members to participate and influence standardization efforts worldwide represented under the CSA banner.

CSA Staff Facilitator:
John DiMaria
[email protected]

What will happen after you fill out this form?
Check your email. You will receive an email from the CSA facilitator. This email will contain information on the next steps to get started.

Didn't receive an email?
Reach out to [email protected].

Volunteers Needed:

1000 (993 open slots)

Experience Required:

No Experience Necessary


