EventBrite registration link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/demystifying-zero-trust-tickets-586100521437
Title: Demystifying Zero Trust
Abstract: Zero Trust is a concept, not a product. In this vendor-neutral session, JJ takes the concepts and models of ZT and translates them to tangible elements and actionable tasks for developing your own zero trust strategy. We'll untangle the web of vendor pitches and products to add clarity to complementary and overlapping technologies along your zero-trust journey.
Speaker: Jennifer Minella (Principal Advisor at Viszen Security)
Bio: With over 20 years in the tech industry, Jennifer Minella has been helping security-conscious organizations solve network security challenges in meaningful ways. Combining master level network architecture skills with CISO and compliance experience, she continues this mission as Founder and Principal Advisor of Viszen Security. Jennifer (JJ) has led strategic research and consulting for government, education, and mid-market up to Fortune-rated organizations. She’s a published author, internationally recognized speaker, analyst with IANS, and former chairperson of (ISC)2. Jennifer’s also known for introducing mindfulness-based leadership to individuals and organizations in infosec. And aside from meditation and security, she’s a competitive powerlifter and dancer. She also loves Figment, the imagination dragon.