Become a Sponsor
To become a sponsor you need to send an e-mail to [email protected] with the following information:
- Company name and organisation number
- Contact information including name, e-mail and phone number
- E-mail address where we will send invoice
- Attach a company logo CSA can use
Annual business sponsorship costs NOK 10,000
Sponsorship runs until terminated, with the main expiry at the end of the year.
Chapter Sponsorship
Sponsorships allow cloud security vendors to share their products and services with Chapter members in a variety of ways.
- Recognition in Chapter meetings and event announcements
- Display table and networking at Chapter meetings and events
- Inclusion of company logo on Chapter website, Chapter Circle community, and in announcements
- Host a community or discussion group on Circle led by subject matter experts.
- Presentations directly to Chapter members
Sponsorship Benefits
- Access to chapter members who make or influence purchasing decisions for their employers
- Venue to showcase thought leadership in the industry
- Qualified leads
- Establish sponsors as trusted advisors
- Enhance sponsor’s reputation and stature
- Expand network of cybersecurity professionals
- Vendor outreach
- Opportunities to achieve marketing goals
Sponsorship Opportunities
- 15% discount for company members on CCSK courses organized by Cloud Security Alliance Norway
- Access to use of the Cloud Security Alliance Norway logo for marketing
- Offer of speaking time (20 min) at one of our member meetings during the year to highlight your investment and expertise in
security in cloud services. This is subject to requirements and conditions for professional relevance.
- Limited number of openings and first come, first serve basis.
- Logo on presentation material of company members that is shown at member meetings
- Profiling on our Norwegian websites
- Information on completion of the Cloud Security Alliance Consensus Assessments Initiative Questionnaire (CAIQ). This can be used as a basis for registering a STAR Self Assessment certification
Cloud Security Alliance Norway (organization number 914 838 649) is non-profit. Sponsorship funds received must be used to cover ongoing costs for operating Cloud Security Alliance Norway as well as events under our auspices. Any profits will go unabated to next year's operation of Cloud Security Alliance Norway.