Chapter Sponsorship
Sponsorships allow cloud security vendors to share their productsand services with Chapter members in a variety of ways.
- Recognition in Chapter meetings and event announcements
- Display table and networking at Chapter meetings and events
- Inclusion of company logo on Chapter website, Chapter Circle community, and announcements
- Host a community or discussion group on Circle led by subject matter experts.
- Presentations directly to Chapter members
Sponsorship Benefits
- Establish sponsors as trusted advisors
- Enhance sponsor’s reputation and stature
- Expand network of cybersecurity professionals
- Vendor outreach
- Opportunities to achieve marketing goals
Sponsorship Opportunities
Silver Sponsor - $1,000
- Company logo on chapter website.
- Logo displayed on CSA chapter meetup welcome slide, announcements and company name mentioned during each chapter meetup.
Gold Sponsor - $2,000
- Company logo on chapter website.
- Logo displayed on CSA chapter meetup welcome slide, announcements and company name mentioned during each chapter meetup.
- Company introduction and speaking slot.
- Logo displayed on social media pages while marketing for the event.
- Sponsor must also cover event venue, food (Snacks or light dinner) and drink.
Our Sponsors
