Singapore Chapter

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Webinar on "Emerging Top Threats in Cloud Computing – What We Can Do About Them" (15 July 2020)

  • 1.  Webinar on "Emerging Top Threats in Cloud Computing – What We Can Do About Them" (15 July 2020)

    Posted Jul 15, 2020 09:05:00 PM
    CSA APAC and the CSA Singapore Chapter hosted the fifth CSA APAC webinar on 15 July 2020. Moderated by Jim LIM with panelists Raju CHELLAM, Nigel LIM and Steve NG, the panel discussion focussed on "Emerging Top Threats in Cloud Computing – What We Can Do About Them". The panelists discussed the CSA report on "Top Threats to Cloud Computing:
Egregious Eleven" that re-examines the risks inherent with cloud security threats (such as data breaches, misconfiguration and inadequate change control, lack of cloud security architecture and strategy, Insufficient identity, credential, access and key management). They also discussed how organizations should plan ahead to mitigate such cloud-based threats. You can watch the recorded session at Emerging Top Threats in Cloud Computing - What We Can Do About Them

    Hing-Yan Lee
    Cloud Security Alliance