Cloud Controls Matrix

SSRM Project Worksheet [Completed] 

Jan 23, 2023 01:53:36 AM

This is the worksheet where the SSRM guidelines are expected to be developed by the CCM WG.

Worksheet (tabs) is organized as follows:
Intro: Contains brief project introduction & list of authors and contributors to the making of the CCMv4 SSRM Guidelines

Progress Status: Contains list of CCMv4 domains and assigned experts per each, with task of developing the SSRM guidelines. The project's progress is to be tracked under this tab.

CCMv4 SSRM Guidelines: This is where the actual SSRM guidelines content per CCM control is to be developed and well documented.

ReadMe: Several links are included here for experts to access applicable -thus very important and useful- documents to the project. Such documents are expected to be used as baseline for the SSRM guidelines development. Authors need to consult the documentation listed, before and during development of the SSRM guidelines.

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