CSA ZT Working Group informational presentation: Introduction to open source Zero Trust Networking & SDP with OpenZiti
Presentation description/abstract: Brief intro to open source zero trust/SDP, including comparisons to other zero trust networking solutions, making our resources ‘dark’ to the network and 'application-embedded zero trust’. This will include refence points to key ZT5workstream deliverables:
Speaker bio: Philip Griffiths is Head of Outbound Product Mngt at NetFoundry, contributes to CSA, CNCF and more while speaking at events from DevOps to IoT to Cyber Security. Prior to this, he worked for Atos IT Services. Non-technical by training, technical geek by preference (now). He lives in Cambridge with his wife and two daughters.
Zoom Presentation recording
Deck: Netfoundry - Open source Zero Trust Networking and SDP with OpenZiti.pdf