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Working Group Leadership

CSA Support

• Josh Buker - [email protected]


• Abdul Sattar

• Roupe Sahans

Latest Discussion Posts

  • Hi Karan, Normally our signup automation would have sent you some calendar invites to the working group meetings, which would be the best way to get started. It looks like that automation is currently broken, so I've reached out to the team to fix that, ...

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  • Hi Karan - Thanks for your interest! @Josh Buker - the analyst for this working group will be able to help you get involved. Thanks! ------------------------------ Hillary Baron Sr Technical Director CSA ------------------------------

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  • Hello Hillary, I lead DevSecOps and threat models in my current role and super interested in contributing to above papers. How can I get involved? ------------------------------ Karan Goenka ------------------------------

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  • New MLOps Papers In the planning and scoping phases, looking for volunteers, no writing has started. Intend to provide shorter more digestible papers by dividing out the scope into 4 papers. Paper1 - MLOps Overview Paper2 ...

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  • Hi All, Infrastructure as code (IaC), baselines, and golden images are terms growing in usage across the cloud industry. These terms refer to templates that are used to deploy resources across on-premises and cloud infrastructures. IaC uses code to ...

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