Other Communities

10 total

Black Girls Hack  

BlackGirlsHack was created to share knowledge and resources to help black girls and women breakthrough barriers to careers in information security and cyber security. The vision for Black Girls Hack (BGH) is to provide resources, training, mentoring, and access to black girls and women and increase representation and diversity in the cyber security field and in the executive suites.

  last person joined one month ago

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COVID-19 Impact and Updates  

CSA is not only interested in providing best practices and tools to ensure you maintain a secure cloud environment; we want to arm you with information and resources to help you maintain a healthy and secure personal environment. The COVID-19 discussion group is your source to discuss and discover relevant issues related to the Coronavirus and its impact on our daily lives and business.

  last person joined 6 months ago

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CSA Blog  

Read the latest cloud security news, trends, and thought leadership from subject matter experts.

  last person joined 19 days ago

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CSA Chapter Communities  

  last person joined one year ago

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Design in Security  

A community for open discussion between CSA’s internal Design team and the community for which we design! Projects ranging from logos, research papers, and digital illustrations will be shared here for the opportunity to give feedback. Likewise, this community will be a space for open discussion on all design topics related to security.

  last person joined 26 days ago

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Marketing in Security  

An open community to discuss marketing in the security industry - lessons learned, best practices, innovative ideas. This is a space to explore, collaborate, learn, ask for feedback, and connect with your marketing peers.

  last person joined 19 days ago

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The SECtember community in Circle is your place to stay updated on the latest, breaking SECtember 2021 conference news. We will be posting about speakers, program details, special activities, and all kinds of insider information on this channel. Be sure to check back regularly for the latest news.

  last person joined 19 days ago

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STAR Focus Group  

  last person joined 19 days ago

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The Inner Circle  

An open CSA community.

  last person joined 2 hours ago

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Women in Tech  

Build a strong international community of women in tech to foster connection and career opportunities.

  last person joined one month ago

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